


Villa Sidona is located in the village of. Banya, Razlog district.

Distance Sofia-Banya - 155 km.
Distance Plovdiv - 165 km.

Distance Velingrad-s.Banya - 72 km.

Distance Banya - Bansko - 5 km.

Distance Banya - Razlog - 5 km.

Distance Banya - Dobrinishte - 10 km.

Distance Banya - Belitsa - 20 km.

Distance Banya - Greece-Asprovalta - 180 km.


Spiritual and Historical Paisii Hilendarski Centre can see an exact copy of the cell in the Hilendar Monastery /Athos, Greece/, where Paisios wrote "History Slavic-Bulgarian" / 1762 / The newly built building is on the site where it was the birth house of Paisii Hilendarski. A reconstruction of the chapel was also made "St. Ivan Rilski", where the modest monk and great Bulgarian has communicated with God.

Razlog and surroundings

The most ancient solar calendar - a symbol of Bulgarian chronology, gr. Razlog The Church "St. Catherine" is recognized for monument of culture.Located in the locality of Catarino, 7 km west of Razlog The written church", which is located at the foot of the Northern Pirin Mountains, 7 km southwest of Razlog Park for the re-adaptation of dancing bears - about 12 km from the town of. Belitsa


Historical and Ethnographic exhibition, where materials are exhibited, tracing the history, the revolutionary struggles, literary and educational activities of the settlement, having the unique beauty of local life is shown through various ethnographic objects, costumes, jewellery, fabrics, looms, rugs, ceramics. Dobrinishte there is also a road to the Monastery of St. Pantaleimon, also declared a cultural monument. The monastery has existed since 1814 under the name "St. Athanasius of Alexandria". The Church "Sts. Peter and Paul"

rila fun park

Mountain amusement park offering extreme, fun and Safe descent with trolleys - gr. Belitsa (about 20-25 km from the village of Banya)